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Policies and Regulations

As in all walks of life, being a member of the Perth Canoe Club brings with it not only the joy of being in a canoe, but also responsibilities to others. This page aims to inform you of our approach to these responsibilities.

Paddlers Agreement

Members and Officers of Perth Canoe Club agree to abide by Club policies (as amended from time to time) including:

  • Protection of Vulnerable Groups
  • Water Safety and Group Leadership, and
  • Photography and Video Use

Members accept responsibility (APPROPRIATE TO THEIR ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE) for their own safety, the safety and wellbeing of others, and for the paddlesport environment and other river users.

1. RESPONSIBILITY FOR OURSELVES (appropriate to ability and experience)

Paddlers should paddle within their ability and that of the group without taking unnecessary risks. We paddle in remote areas, often in unfavourable weather. Everyone should ensure their own paddling and safety gear is functional and appropriate for the activity and conditions.

Members should discuss any medical condition with Leaders that could affect their performance or place a burden on the group; carry appropriate medication if necessary.

Paddlers should stay with their group, following reasonable instructions of Coaches or Leaders, but feel free to opt-out of any activity or portage (carry boat around) any section they feel is beyond them. Any group member is free to raise concerns – they may be the only one to spot an impending problem.


All paddlers have a responsibility for the care and welfare of other paddlers. Leaders and Coaches should plan and execute Club activities within their remit and in line with the Water Safety and Group Leadership policy or they may forfeit SCA legal and insurance protection.

Leaders should consider route planning, river and weather conditions, group composition and organisation, supervision ratios, and personal and group safety equipment.

Leaders and group members must respect others and support any requests to portage or opt-out.


All members have a particular duty of care for young people and vulnerable adults. Coaches and Leaders will be subject to appropriate training and background checks and will conduct activities in line with the Club’s policy on Protection of Vulnerable Groups.

Where it is impractical for a parent/guardian to accompany a young/vulnerable person afloat, the young person may engage in Club activities unaccompanied only with the written consent of the parent or guardian (i.e. signed Membership Form declaration). Parents are still responsible for all off-water activities (e.g. travel to and from activities).

Coaches/Leaders should not paddle or travel alone with vulnerable individuals.

Club activities often involve mixed age and gender groups and the Club cannot guarantee the gender of activity Leaders.

Any Child Protection incidents or concerns should be raised with
Safeguarding Officer
Alistair Brand

Perth and Kinross Council
Duty Social Worker

01738 476 768

Serious incidents should be reported directly to the Police.

Investigation of child protection issues concerns is a specialist area. To avoid contamination of testimony, any concerns or incidents should be referred to specialists. Incidents or concerns raised by individuals will be handled confidentially and sensitively but, as concerns could indicate a criminal offence, members cannot guarantee not to pass information on to others.


Club Members are ambassadors for paddlesport and should treat the landscape and waterways with respect and other countryside users with courtesy.

The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 gives you the legal right to be on most land and inland water for recreation, education and for going from place to place, providing you act responsibly. It does not, for example, give the right to:

  • intrude on others’ privacy (e.g. congregate, change or camp close to houses)
  • drive or park a vehicle on private land
  • enter gardens grounds, farmyards, or buildings
  • cross sown or growing crops (although field margins ARE okay)

More information on responsible use of the countryside and your rights under The Act is available online [search: Scottish Outdoor Access Code].

Members should avoid damage to the riverbank or watercourse and leave the river environment in the same (or better) state than they find it. Drivers should park considerately and avoid blocking narrow roads or monopolising public car parks or lay-bys.


Club Members should be sensitive around fishing activity. Announce your presence where possible and follow reasonable requests. Pass quietly to avoid disturbance and do not linger in eddies. However, rivers and lochs are public rights-of-way in Scots Law and unreasonable demands from fishermen, landowners or their representatives can be ignored. Anti-social, threatening, or unreasonable behaviour should be reported to the Police and SCA Access Officer.

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Incident Reporting


This defines the actions to take following a reportable incident or accident during activities organised and supported by Perth Canoe Club.


A reportable incident involves

  • injury or illness requiring medical treatment (minor injuries e.g. small or superficial cuts/grazes, stings, burns are not reportable.)
  • emergency service call-out (e.g. Ambulance, Police, Coastguard)
  • physical or verbal threat or abuse
  • damage to third party property


Any member may report an incident to the Club Secretary or Chairperson.

The Secretary will be responsible for ensuring an Incident Report Form is completed by the activity leader or people involved and sent to BCU and copied to SCA.

see BCU Incident Report Form

A copy of the form will be tabled at the next Committee meeting to discuss:

  1. if more detailed information or investigation is required
  2. if existing Club policies were being followed
  3. if there are lessons that can be learned
  4. any changes required to Club policies, and
  5. leader or coach communication or training requirements


The Committee will minute the findings and the closure of the incident at the next meeting and will minute what further actions (or none, if appropriate) are required

The Secretary will communicate the findings and remedial actions to those directly involved in the original incident before any general communication.

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Photography and Video

Photography and video are part of the enjoyment of recreational and competitive paddlesports and can be valuable learning tools. Perth Canoe Club will take steps to ensure images are used responsibly and to protect young or vulnerable participants from inappropriate use.


We do not know the background and circumstances of everyone who paddles with us or how images posted online may be used or abused or the damage this might cause.

In general terms, we need to avoid:

  1. allowing adaptation of images for use in web pornography
  2. giving the identity of children (e.g. full name, tagging, or giving many small identity clues)
  3. giving the location of a child in special circumstances which could include:
    • where a child has been taken into care
    • where restrictions apply on parental contact (e.g. following separation)
    • other child safety concerns


The Club has control over and will regulate club/official content on our website (www.perthcanoeclub.com) and Facebook Group (Perth Canoe Club).

Members will behave sensitively and responsibly when taking and handling images, particularly in connection to postings on internet and social media. The Club will remove any personal images from Facebook group page on reasonable request, and will take action (including possibly reporting to Police) against any member behaving irresponsibly, inappropriately, or posting offensive materials.

Good practice guidelines, promoted by national Child Protection and Sporting bodies, suggest:

  1. Situation: restrict photography/video to Club group activities, and if possible avoid focussing on individuals. Do not indulge in one-on-one photo sessions.
  2. Appropriateness: focus on the activity itself, be careful to preserve modesty, and do not use images that can easily be misconstrued. In particular avoid situations where people may be changing.
  3. Identity: do not caption or tag u18s in images or provide additional information that could be added together to identify them (e.g. Alan attends Perth Academy, plays violin in the school band, and supports St. Johnstone FC). This can be used to cross-profile then single-out a child for grooming.
  4. Personal Data: never give information such as where someone lives, their date-of-birth, or relationships to other people.
  5. Usage: Images should not be modified for other purposes or shared with external agencies (e.g. SCA, Local Newspaper) without the express written permission of the main subject(s) or guardian.


Video can be a very useful learning aid. Where video is used for this purpose it should be securely stored and deleted as soon as its primary purpose is over.


Images taken at pool sessions, by their nature, can be used to modify and disguise pornographic images. Personal photographic equipment is generally therefore not permitted. Cameras used for coaching may be allowed, with permission of pool Management and ALL participants (u18s/guardians AND others). Images including young people must be securely deleted immediately.

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Children and Vulnerable Adults

Perth Canoe Club commits to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable members and associates (e.g. casual participants, visitors, companions). This includes young people under 18 years-old, adults with physical or mental difficulties, and inexperienced paddlers who place trust in the club for their safety and wellbeing.

Members, Leaders and Coaches will work with the SCA to embrace difference and diversity, to respect the rights of these individuals, to promote safe practice and defend against harm.


  • The care and welfare of vulnerable individuals is paramount.
  • Protection of vulnerable people is everyone's responsibility.
  • Everyone has a right to protection from all forms of harm and abuse whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief, and/or sexual identity.
  • Everyone has the right to express views on all matters that affect them.
  • The Club should work together with carers to promote the inclusion, welfare and development of vulnerable people.

As a recreational club, the Club or individual Leaders may still restrict or refuse participation where, after reasonable consideration, risks to the individual or the group cannot be adequately mitigated or if unreasonable support or adaptation to equipment is required.


Perth Canoe Club will, for all vulnerable people:

  • Require members to adopt and abide by this policy and associated procedures.
  • Provide opportunities to take part in paddlesport safely.
  • Respect and promote their rights, wishes and feelings.
  • Implement appropriate procedures to safeguard wellbeing and protect from harm.
  • Train and support members (and especially Coaches and Leaders) to adopt best practice to protect vulnerable groups and for their own protection.
  • Respond to any allegations of misconduct or abuse of children in line with this policy.
  • Implement relevant sanctions and appeals procedures.
  • Observe protection guidelines issued by SCA and Perth & Kinross Council.
  • Regularly monitor and evaluate this policy and associated procedures.


  • All Club Members, Leaders, and Officers must complete a Membership Application form agreeing to abide by club policies.
  • All Club Activities will be under the supervision of a designated Leader or Coach.
  • All Coaches and Leaders, if expected to act unsupervised, will be subject to appropriate background checks (e.g. Protection of Vulnerable Groups or Standard/Enhanced Disclosure).
  • Full and Club-Approved Coaches and Leaders will complete approved face-to-face Child Protection Training (e.g. SportsCoachUK “Safeguarding and Protecting Children” or SCA “Child Protection” Course) and recertified every 2 years. Supporting Coaches/Leaders may complete approved online Child Protection training.


This Policy and associated Procedures will be reviewed:

  • In accordance with changes in legislation or guidance from SCA or Perth & Kinross Council
  • Following any concerns raised by SCA, Perth & Kinross Council, or by Perth Canoe Club member(s).
  • In all other circumstances, at least every three years.

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Data Protection

Personal information you supply to Perth Canoe Club will be held and used in strict confidence and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. It will be held securely and used by Club Officers and specific Committee Members to manage your club membership, club activities and related club benefits.

We will not pass your information to third parties.

For information on how the Club will manage your data, contact the club Secretary or:

The Club is affiliated to the Scottish Canoe Association (SCA) which provides third-party insurance and other benefits. We will disclose the absolute minimum personal information to the SCA and this will be held and used by the SCA in line with their own Data Protection policy.

It will be used:

  • to administer SCA Affiliated Membership and related benefits (may include disclosure to the SCA’s Insurer)
  • to review, develop and improve the services and activities offered by the SCA
  • to research, develop and manage new and existing programmes and projects and to promote our sport
  • to monitor the SCA’s progress towards demonstrating equal opportunities in canoeing in Scotland through the Equity Standard For Sport
  • for statistical analysis

Your data will NOT be used by the SCA for marketing purposes or disclosed to any third parties. If you wish to allow the SCA to do this, you may activate this yourself through the SCA’s Self Service Portal.

The Club may also pass personal information (which may include information about your health) to the SCA insurer in the event of our club making an insurance claim. The information may be put onto a register of claims and shared with other insurers to prevent fraudulent claims.

For further information on how the SCA manages your data, contact or write to

The Data Controller
Scottish Canoe Association
Caledonia House
South Gyle
Edinburgh EH12 9DQ

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